
Ceremonial Grade Organic Cacao


Organic Guatemalan Cacao


Cacao's Alchemy

The Cacao Mother is unique in her alchemy and works through feeling, a loving intelligence and the intuition differently with everyone. Sometimes she envelopes you, opens your heart and leads you into radiant landscapes. Sometimes she is a teacher helping you to see things more clearly. Sometimes she is a friend who tells you when it’s time to let go, to surrender, or to fly off. Her energy can be healing, soothing, connecting, deepening, releasing or creative. But Cacao always teaches you – about balance, living a more heart-centered life and the universal laws of Nature.


Plant vibration is subtle. To align with and feel its vibration in an urban environment, you may require some quiet time and a slowing of your system and brain activity. You will be more receptive when you are relaxed. Spending time in Nature, grounding into Earth and breathing consciously will help you to connect with the present moment, which is the doorway to the spiritual dimension.

Sacred Food For Body, Soul, Spirit & Heart
  • The Cacao Spirit activates the sacred Fire within assisting you in burning away old and dense energies. Cacao renews our sacred connection with Spirit and where we come from. 
  • Cacao offers a loving embrace for the Soul. This may feel like somebody is holding you, supporting your back.
  • Cacao acts on the physical body, offering nutrients, minerals and feeling-good hormones. Blood circulation is accelerated up to 40%. 
  • Mama Cacao speaks to the emotional body and the inner child. Her energy can be very gentle, very (grand)motherly, tender, and loving.
  • Cacao empowers the human heart. Cacao invites us to come back to a natural state of feeling (rather than over-thinking). You may feel a deep connection to the world around you. Sharing circles are supported when connected with the Heart (and voice).
Calling In The Medicine

You will have outstanding experiences if you ask the Cacao Spirit for its healing energies. Imagine that the Plant Spirit dwells in eternity. It simply is. Speak to her like a friend, share your intention, express words of gratitude and respect and ask the Spirit to assist you in your ritual/ceremony. 

Creating Your Own Cacao Ceremony


The intention is the holding and protecting container and sets the tone of your cacao ritual or ceremony. Questions you may ask yourself: Why am I sitting in Ceremony? What aspect do I wish to explore? In what area do I wish to receive clarity, ease, joy? 

Here are some examples:

  • I receive joy.
  • I let go of … to create more space for …
  • I open to connect with the Spirit.
  • I open to receive clarity on this topic.
  • I open to explore creativity. 
  • My intention is to create a space for dreaming.
  • My intention is get in touch with my heart.


  • Create a loving and comfortable space. You may use incense or herbs to ‘cleanse’ your space and light a candle to invite the element fire into your center. An altar is ‘a prayer made visible’ and creating one may support your journey. Choose things that lift your energy, help you feel more connected with yourself and the present moment & have meaning for you.
  • Prepare your Cacao and let the preparation itself become an act of love.


  • Connect with your intention and open the sacred space by stating: ‘I hereby open the Sacred Space’. 
  • Connect with your heart. Invite Cacao into your heart and into your space. Call in the medicine.


  • Open to receive. Meditate, dream, paint, journal, play instruments, explore nature, move consciously, be silent or creative. Allow answers, symbols and feelings to arise from within.
  • Drink water.


  • Breathe deeply and allow the experiences to flow into your roots and to settle into your body.
  • Connect with your intention.  Speak words from the heart and express gratitude. Give thanks to Spirit and the forces you’ve invited and allow them to leave the Space: “I thank the Spirit of Cacao, the forces of Nature and Source. Thank you for your love and guidance.”
  • Close the Space by stating: “I hereby close the Space.” 
How to Prepare your Ceremonial Cacao Drink

To make a drink of luscious ceremonial cacao, finely chop the cacao paste. Measure 2 tbsp per 8 oz of hot water (steaming but not boiling). Stir together until cacao is fully melted. Enjoy! Optional: Add a dash of cayenne pepper and natural sweetener to taste.

Cacao can also be added to smoothies, oatmeal, ice cream, and other foods. Experiment with making your own chocolates or bliss balls!


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